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Archiving Emails In Mail For Mac

카테고리 없음

by layloconskil1980 2020. 2. 7. 08:49


Auto-archiving in Outlook for Mac One way to automatically archive objects from Outlook is to use rules. To do so, first create a folder on your local computer (e.g. The Archive button moves messages to the Archive mailbox in OS X Mail and macOS Mail on Apple computers. Nothing irrevocable or harmful happens to emails you archive. They are moved out of your Inbox and held safely in the Archive mailbox until you need them. Other features come standard, such as the ability to trash and archive individual messages, along with options for forwarding and including additional emails in a thread.

  1. Archiving Emails In Mail Mac

T he simple process is: create a smart mailbox, archive that smart mailbox's content and then delete all the mail in that smart mailbox. In greater detail: Smart Mailbox Mail has an interesting facility called 'smart mailboxes.' This is a virtual collection of mail, derived by following various rules.

Create a smart mailbox by clicking the? + icon in the bottom left of the Mail interface. Choose 'New Smart Mailbox.' Using dates to identify old mail is a good idea.

Archiving Emails In Mail For Mac

Name the mailbox appropriately, and then add filter rules to populate the mailbox. For example, to collate all email received before the end of 2008, add: Archive Right click and choose 'Archive Mailbox' to generate an mbox format mail archive. You will be prompted for a location to save the file to.

Archiving Emails In Mail Mac

Make sure that the file is being backed up by Time Machine, if you're using the OS X feature. Delete Smart Mailbox Content Select an email from the Smart Mailbox.

Press Command-A to select all the email in this mailbox, and press the delete key to remove it. Right click on your trash mailbox and choose 'Erase Deleted Items' to finish the deletion process. Note that simply deleting the Smart Mailbox folder will not delete the email too, you must follow the above process, selecting the mail content manually and deleting it. Restoring an Archive Within Mail.app, choose? File Import Mailbox Files in mbox format and select the mail archive. This will restore the email into Mail, allowing you to view it again.

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Jess Stratton is a staff author and technology consultant who specializes in productivity software and mobile tech. For over 10 years, Jess Stratton has operated her own technology consulting business, creating and maintaining databases for both enterprise and small-to-medium businesses, building websites, setting up networks, and coaching teams, employees, and individuals to harness the latest desktop and mobile technology for increased productivity. Jess is now a full-time staff author at lynda.com, in addition to being a regular and regarded presenter at Lotus Notes conferences and a contributing author for several industry print and web magazines, textbooks, podcasts, webcasts, and other popular sites, including Lifehacker.com. You can find Jess on her website at or follow her on Twitter @NerdGirlJess. By: David Rivers course. 1h 5m 56s. 6,265 viewers.

Course Transcript - Instructor A new feature in Outlook for Mac is the ability to do one-click archiving of your messages. This means that your messages will get out of the Inbox so they won't clutter your view but you can still search for them when you need them.

To archive a message, click on it and from the Home ribbon tab, click Archive. The message will disappear into the archive folder which I can browse at any time on the left navigation bar.

If this is the first time you're clicking that Archive button, you'll be told that the Archive button doesn't exist and you can click continue to create it. You'll need to do this for each email account you have set up with Outlook. If you're creating an archive for Gmail, you should choose the All Mail folder. It's also important to note that when you search, you need to make sure you're searching all mail to search your archive also.

To do that, run a search as normal and in the Search ribbon toolbar, make sure you have All Mail selected.