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Cooling Tower Design Calculation Software

카테고리 없음

by layloconskil1980 2020. 2. 15. 05:22


AbstractA survey of wet cooling tower literature was performed to develop a simplified method of cooling tower design and simulation for use in power plant cycle optimization. The theory of heat exchange in wet cooling towers is briefly summarized. The Merkel equation (the fundamental equation of heat transfer in wet cooling towers) is presented and discussed.

  1. Basic Cooling Tower Calculations
  2. Cooling Tower Performance Calculation

The cooling tower fill constant (Ka) is defined and values derived. A rule-of-thumb method for the optimized design of cooling towers is presented.

The rule-of-thumb design method provides information useful in power plant cycle optimization, including tower dimensions, water consumption rate, exit air temperature, power requirements and construction cost. In addition, a method for simulation of cooling tower performance at various operating conditions is presented.

This information is also useful in power plant cycle evaluation. Using the information presented, it will be possible to incorporate wet cooling tower design and simulation into a procedure to evaluate and optimize power plant cycles. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) revised the emergency core cooling system licensing rule to allow the use of best estimate computer codes, provided the uncertainty of the calculations are quantified and used in the licensing and regulation process. The NRC developed a generic methodology called Code Scaling, Applicability, and Uncertainty (CSAU) to evaluate best estimate code uncertainties. The objective of this work was to adapt and demonstrate the CSAU methodology for a small-break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA) in a Pressurized Water Reactor of Babcock Wilcox Company lowered loop design using RELAP5/MOD3 as the simulation tool. The CSAU methodology was successfully demonstrated for the new set of variants defined in this project (scenario, plant design, code). However, the robustness of the reactor design to this SBLOCA scenario limits the applicability of the specific results to other plants or scenarios.

Several aspects of the code were not exercised because the conditions of the transient never reached enough severity. The plant operator proved to be a determining factor in the course of the transient scenario, and steps were taken to include the operator in the model, simulation, and analyses. This report is divided into four parts. First part of the report describes the methods used to measure and model the flow of supercritical carbon dioxide (S-CO 2) through annuli and straight-through labyrinth seals. The effects of shaft eccentricity in small diameter annuli were observed for length-to-hydraulic diameter (L/D) ratios of 6, 12, 143, and 235. Flow rates through tooth-cavity labyrinth seals were measured for inlet pressures of 7.7, 10, and 11 MPa with corresponding inlet densities of 325, 475, and 630 kg/m 3.

Various leakage models were compared to this result to describe their applicability in supercritical carbon dioxide applications. Flow rate measurements were made varying tooth number for labyrinth seals of same total length. Second part of the report describes the computational study performed to understand the leakage through the labyrinth seals using Open source CFD package OpenFOAM. Fluid Property Interpolation Tables (FIT) program was implemented in OpenFOAM to accurately model the properties of CO2 required to solve the governing equations. To predict the flow behavior in the two phase dome Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (HEM) is assumed to be valid. Experimental results for plain orifice (L/D 5) were used to show the capabilities of the FIT model implemented in OpenFOAM. Error analysis indicated that OpenFOAM is capable of predicting experimental data within ±10% error with the majority of data close to ±5% error.

Basic Cooling Tower Calculations

Following the validation of computational model, effects of geometrical parameters and operating conditions are isolated from each other and a parametric study was performed in two parts to understand their effects on leakage flow. Third part of the report provides the details of the constructed heat exchanger test facility and presents the experimental results obtained to investigate the effects of buoyancy on heat transfer characteristics of Supercritical carbon dioxide in heating mode. Turbulent flows with Reynolds numbers up to 60,000, at operating pressures of 7.5, 8.1, and 10.2 MPa were tested in a round tube. Local heat transfer coefficients were obtained from measured wall temperatures over a large set of experimental parameters that varied inlet temperature from 20 °C to 55 °C,mass flux from 150 to 350 kg/m 2s, and a maximum heat flux of 65 KW/m 2. Horizontal, upward and downward flows were tested to investigate the unusual heat-transfer characteristics to the effect of buoyancy and flow acceleration caused by large variation in density. Final part of this report presents the simplified analysis performed to investigate the possibility of using wet cooling tower option to reject heat from the supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle power convertor for AFR-100 and ABR-1000 plants. A code was developed to estimate the tower dimensions, power and water consumption, and to perform economic analysis.

The code developed was verified by comparing the calculations to a vendor quote. The effect of ambient air and water conditions on the sizing and construction of the cooling tower as well as the cooler is studied. Finally, a cost-based optimization technique is used to estimate the optimum water conditions which will improve the plant economics.

Two major problems are associated with the use of cooled geothermal water as coolant for the 5 MW(e) Pilot Power Plant at Raft River. They are: (1) a scaling potential owing to the chemical species present in solution, and (2) the corrosive nature of the geothermal water on carbon steel.

A water treatment test program was established to reduce or eliminate these problems. Data show that scale can be prevented by a combination of dispersants and controlling the concentration of scaling species in the circulating water. Corrosion cannot be controlled without a pretreatment of tubing material. With the pretreatment, a protective gamma iron oxide film is laid down on the tube surface, that with proper corrosion inhibitor additives, significantly reduces both general and pitting corrosion. However, longer term testing is required to determine protection of pitting corrosion. Understanding ion trajectories in electrostatic and magnetic fields is necessary for designing many scientific instruments.

Modeling of ion motion in vacuum has been possible for over a decade with SIMION software, which has been highly exploited to advance instrumentation, especially mass spectrometers. Simulations of ions within a viscous media, such as in ion mobility spectrometers, has only recently been possible with the advent of the statistical dynamics simulation user program for SIMION 7.0. Key insights into the difference in ion behavior in vacuum and viscous environments are reported for electrostatic refraction, motion through grids, and magnetic fields. The loss of kinetic energy limits options for controlling ion motion in viscous conditions.

Cooling Tower Performance Calculation

For refraction, only accelerating methods (converging or diverging) are possible in viscous regimes. Motion of ions around wires in grids also has more severe consequences in viscous conditions than in vacuum. For magnetic fields, a “rule-of-thumb” that an ion must be able to complete 25% of its cyclotron radius between collisions for the magnetic field to affect the ion motion. The difference in ion behavior is governed by the fact that kinetic energy of ion motion is retained in vacuum, but lost to collisions with the bath gas in viscous atmospheres. Because of the loss of kinetic energy, ion behavior in electrostatic and magnetic fields under viscous conditions is dramatically different than in vacuum. Lack of adequate quantities of clean surface water for use in wet (evaporative) cooling systems indicates the use of high-salinity waste waters, or cooled geothermal brines, for makeup purposes.

SoftwareCooling tower design calculationDesign

High-chloride, aerated water represents an extremely corrosive environment. In order to determine metals suitable for use in such an environment, metal coupons were exposed to aerated, treated geothermal brine salted to a chloride concentration of 10,000 and 50,000 ppM (mg/L) for periods of up to 30 days. The exposed coupons were evaluated to determine the general, pitting, and crevice corrosion characteristics of the metals.

The metals exhibiting corrosion resistance at 50,000 ppM chloride were then evaluated at 100,000 and 200,000 ppM chloride. Since these were screening tests to select materials for components to be used in a cooling system, with primary emphasis on condenser tubing, several materials were exposed for 4 to 10 months in pilot cooling tower test units with heat transfer for further corrosion evaluation. The results of the screening tests indicate that ferritic stainless steels (29-4-2 and SEA-CURE) exhibit excellent corrosion resistance at all levels of chloride concentration.

Copper-nickel alloys (70/30 and Monel 400) exhibited excellent corrosion resistance in the high-saline water. The 70/30 copper-nickel alloy, which showed excellent resistance to general corrosion, exhibited mild pitting in the 30-day tests. This pitting was not apparent, however, after 6 months of exposure in the pilot cooling tower tests.

The nickel-base alloys exhibited excellent corrosion resistance, but their high cost prevents their use unless no other material is found feasible. Other materials tested, although unsuitable for condenser tubing material, would be suitable as tube sheet material.

A Cooling tower is an essential piece of equipment in many production facilities used to bring down the temperature of the water used in many different process so it can be used again. The hot water would normally arrive from a jacketed tank, reactor or other equipment to the tower. In the case of our calculator the inlet is placed at the bottom. This water is continuously recirculated using a centrifugal pump which move the water through nozzles in order to increase the surface area available for heat transfer. At the same time a fan, in this case located at the top of the tower, moves fresh air which comes into contact with the hot water. During this contact part of the water will evaporate;as this evaporation needs energy the temperature of the water decreases and the one of the air increases. The treated water can now be used again for any cooling process needed.In the design of a cooling tower many parameters intervene and it is normally a lengthy and complex process.

At Better Engineers we have created this calculator so you can enter the data and focus on the results.The calculator will instantly take you to the results page where several parameters are reported. We will explain the more important ones. If you have any questions please contact us on info@better-engineers.com.